Forlaget Siff
By Anjelica Søndergaard
Flere er på vej!/More is on the way!

Uncovering Your Shadows! - A Beginner's Guide to Identifying and Healing Triggers!
Have you ever wondered, why certain people or situation makes you feel a specific way, often in a negative direction?
That comes from learned, but hidden, reactions (shadow triggers)!
We all have them. But if you don't clean out the "shadow-trunk" once in a while, it can really make a mess of your relationships with other people.
This book is based on an online-course, so it's very straightforward, down to earth and easy to work with.
In four steps, you will learn to recognize and work through negative reaction patterns, that is not beneficial for you and your relationships.
Bonus-info: The book is under 40 pages, so it's a really quick read. (it's the personal work afterwards, that takes time 😉)
Published on Amazon in 2024.
Available as E-book and on Kindle Unlimited.
(Only published in English).

Simple Truths! - 5 Essential Reminders for Living Authentically
Are you ready to become the real you?
The 5 Reminders in this book are not rocket science or revolutionary at all.
To be honest, it's all very fundamental and should already be familiar to everyone.
But the thing is. It's really easy to forget the basic things when life happens; The feisty teenager, the nagging mom, the annoying coworker, work overload, paying of loans, making dinner, cleaning, going to bed, waking up early, money problems, the cat is sick again and so on.
Life in itself is a lot! It really is. It's overwhelming and hard, and you get tired and frustrated and angry!
When life happens, it's so easy to forget that you matter. That you are allowed to put your foot down and your legs up, and say enough is enough!
This book is your go-to when you need a breather and a push to take charge of your own happiness!
It's your life and your choices.
So, what are you choosing?
Published on Amazon in 2024.
Available as E-book and on Kindle Unlimited.
(Only published in English).
Om/About Forlaget Siff

Forlaget Siff er ejet af forfatter og iværksætter Anjelica Søndergaard
Læs mere om mit forfatterskab og min baggrund på hjemmesiden www.turkishdelight.dk
Forlaget Siff are owned by author and entrepreneur Anjelica Søndergaard
Read more about my authorship and my background on www.turkishdelight.dk